There are a lot of gimmicks out there in my opinion of how to make a large amount of coins seem rare. You can take one of a thousand coins all the same and put some label such as first strike, early release, somebody’s initials, mac, somebody’s rubber stamp signature, or whatever, and now say it is rare. You may be able to send them in bulk and say I want the high grades and get them to get you a bunch of high grades if you are connected. Math Does Not Lie. These are the finest no bull coins worth putting in your safe and here is why. Out of all the coins submitted to PCGS and NGC, only as high as 4 percent made this grade at NGC, while PCGS pumped out this grade at the rate as high 37 percent. For example according to the population reports at PCGS vs NGC Hot springs at PCGS had a total of 7734 coins graded and 2540 made ms69DMPL grade. At NGC 8784 were graded and only 327 made the MS69 DPL grade. That’s 4% at NGC vs 33% at PCGS. It is like they rubberstamped 1 out of 3 coins to me. Throw a gimmick label on it, get some modern coin marketer to put his initials on it and a 5 or ten thousand dollar price tag on it and call it rare and one of a kind. 6 % made the grade…. Yes Point 6 percent. Yosemete PCGC 30% NGC 1% (49 coins), Grand Canyon PCGS 15% NGC 1.5% (130 coins), and Mount hood PCGS 37% NGC point seven. 7% (61 coins) made the grade. Numbers don’t lie, Far less coins made the top grade at NGC, all pretty much coming from the same sources. If you want I can sign these, put my initials on them and call them first early strike and ask a million dollars for them, Or leave them alone and let the numbers say it all. You can put lipstick on a lower grade coin, but it is still a lower grade coin no matter who you know. These coins are the statistically finest of this series of this year set period. This is my interpretation, do the research yourself as the population reports are available to all, at least for now. I will include pictures of the actual coins which have been submitted by me and handled minimally, stored safely. I will also include pics from the grader of them as well. This is a Holiday Offering. They will go back in the safe till next year soon. In the scanned Pics(latter) unaltered except cropped and rotated 300-300 resolution, you’ll see scanner glass marks in about the same place on all pics but rotated, the first pics are from NGC authentication site. I received these myself from NGC and kept them covered and handled minimally. If you have concerns ask. I prefer not to handle them too much. Thanks, Includes the five coins in the pictures.