This ancient Roman coin is from the reign of Emperor Caracalla, who ruled between 198-217 AD. The coin is a silver denarius. It is a rare find for collectors and enthusiasts of ancient coins. Caracalla was Roman emperor from 198 to 217 AD. He was a member of the Severan dynasty, the elder son of Emperor Septimius Severus and Empress Julia Domna. Severus proclaimed Caracalla co-ruler in 198, doing the same with his other son Geta in 209. The two brothers briefly shared power after their father’s death in 211, but Caracalla soon had Geta murdered by the Praetorian Guard and became sole ruler of the Roman Empire. Julia Domna had a significant share in governance, since Caracalla found administration to be mundane. His reign featured domestic instability and external invasions by the Germanic peoples. NGC certifies most US, world, and ancient coins, tokens, and medals. The certification process consists of authentication, grading, attribution, and encapsulation in plastic holders or Coin slabs. NGC certification offers significant protection against counterfeiting, misattribution, overgrading, and damage. This coin is a great addition to any collection of ancient coins and a valuable piece of history.